Writing Connections

We All Get By with a Little Help from Our Writing Friends

“Friends... they cherish one another's hopes. They are kind to one another's dreams.”

Henry David Thoreau

Darren & Greta

“I find it very fortunate that I chose to sit down next to Greta during one of my first classes at StoryStudio Chicago in 2004. Over the past almost 20 years we have convened together over writing in StoryStudio workshops, book club meet-ups across multiple venues in Chicago and Michigan, writing sessions in her studio (a rehabbed chicken coop), and over multiple emails and texts from afar. Greta gave the “gentle” nudge I needed when we decided to complete NaNo together in 2005. During the last week I sent her an email on a Monday morning, telling her I was done, after returning from a trip back home with no time to write. She held me accountable in just the right way. reminding me of not only the time I still had to reach the 40,000 word goal, but of my value as a writer and my ability to finish what I had started. I did finish, with about 7 hours to spare, and we celebrated our successes over dinner and drinks that evening.

Do you have a writing connection to share with us?

Email your story and a photo to wordsworthdayton@gmail.com.